Institut National de Recherche et d’Analyse Physico-chimique (INRAP)
The National Institute of Research and Physicochemical Analysis (INRAP) is a public research institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Tunisia. The INRAP main tasks include the sustainable recovery of value-added components from plant extracts, food industry by-products and wastes and their use to produce functional food products and packaging materials. Moreover, the INRAP is expected to study complex analytical problems in different fields, to develop new analytical methods to meet the national needs and to valorise research results and promote their exploitation by industries which can stimulate links between research and industry for knowledge spillover.
Main tasks
INRAP will be the coordinator of the WP4 (Use of extracts for the fortification and preservation of traditional food products). Furthermore, its role in the project will be to carry out the research activities related to the recovery of functional food ingredients from food industry by-products and wastes and their use to produce fortified dairy, fruits, wines and pastry products.