Bagaço de Cereja

Cherry pomace is the residue of from cherry juice extraction. Cherry pomace has a good content of vitamins, minerals, and especially dietary fibres (cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin). The total dietary fibre content in cherry pomace is 71.44% and consists of pectin (1.51%), hemicellulose (10.7%), cellulose (18.4%), and lignin (69.4%). There are also significant nutrients in cherry pomace including substantial quantities of anthocyanins, mainly concentrated in the skin (Chaovanalikit & Wrolstad, 2004b) which constitutes a major portion of bioactive compounds. Researchers have studied functional compounds that can be extracted from cherry pomace (Kołodziejczyk et al., 2013) and their potential as a food ingredient. However, only few researchers reported utilization of the whole cherry pomace as a food ingredient. In addition, almost no research has been reported on the application of the cherry pomace in food products (Wang et al., 2017). Sweet cherry pomace has resulted as an undervalued source of bioactive phenolic compounds like flavanols, flavan3-ols, anthocyanins, or hydroxycinnamic acids that present antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-hypertensive capacities, among others. These types of phenolic compounds have been recovered by different extraction methodologies from food by-products to be used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, or food industries (Wang et al., 2017).

Cherry skin

The colour of the cherry’ skin is due to the presence of anthocyanins, and depending on the cultivars, the amounts of anthocyanins vary tremendously. Some varieties also have anthocyanins in the flesh. Sweet cherries skins are a rich source of anthocyanins, being able to increase the life quality through its properties. Anthocyanins are easy degradable because of their sensitivity to many factors such as pH, temperature, light and oxygen. Also, they undergo degradation during digestion, resulting in low absorption and bioavailability (Milea et al., 2019).

The extract showed a TAC of 12.2 ± 0.5 mg C3G/g D.W., whereas TPC, TFC and antioxidant activity were 445.93 ± 5.11 mg GAE/g DW, 152.22 ± 32.78 mg CE/g DW and 10.60 ± 0.44 mmol Trolox/g D.W., respectively. Sweet cherries skins extract contains five anthocyanins, as follows: cyanidin 3-rutinoside, cyanidin 3-glucoside, peonidin 3-rutinoside, peonidin 3-glucoside and pelargonidin 3-rutinoside. The major anthocyanin was cyanidin 3-rutinoside, followed by cyanidin 3-glucoside, pelargonidin-3-rutinoside, peonidin 3-rutinoside and peonidin 3-glucoside. In dark-coloured cherries, tehre is also presence of two anthocyanins, namely cyanidin 3-rutinoside and cyanidine 3-glucoside (Milea et al., 2019).

Anthocyanin Sweet cherry skins
Cyanidin 3-rutinoside 109.03 ± 8.8 mg/100 g D.W.
Cyanidin 3-glucoside 83.75 ± 2.9 mg/100 g D.W.
Pelargonidin-3-rutinoside 32.99 ± 1.6 mg/100 g D.W.
Peonidin 3-rutinoside 8.41 ± 0.9 mg/100 g D.W.
Peonidin 3-glucoside 4.97 ± 0.6 mg/100 g D.W.
TAC 12.2 ± 0.5 mg C3G/g D.W
Antioxidant activity 10.60 ± 0.44 mmol Trolox/g D.W
TPC 445.93 ± 5.11 mg GAE/g DW
TFC 152.22 ± 32.78 mg CE/g DW